
Sustained reproductive health and family well-being

We are a movement of young people inspiring through charity, and transforming through programs and innovative research.



A relentless pursuit of excellence by leveraging on critical experience, expertise, and scientific evidence, to tailor our initiatives into best practices.


Social Justice

We believe that every individual should be treated with dignity and respect, and their fundamental human rights should be protected.



We believe in a fair distribution of services and resources, and equal access to opportunities, irrespective of age, gender, race, education, ethnicity, religion, or personal beliefs.



Our unity and collective efforts towards a shared vision fostering our growth, strength, and sustained impact.

Our Impact In Numbers

Since 2023...

Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns

Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns

Training Programs

Training Programs

Policy and Research activities

Policy and Research activities

Community Project

Community Project



Students reached

Students reached

Volunteering Hours

Volunteering Hours

Our Vision

To build a global community of people making lifelong decisions, to improve their reproductive and family well-being, in line with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.


gender equality

SDG 10

reduced inequalities


good health and well being


Blog Articles

Read some excerpts from our blog

Shattered Chains: A Survivor’s Story

Shattered Chains: A Survivor’s Story


It’s been 21 years since my father first struck me. I was five years old, but on nights when I’m alone with my thoughts, my cheeks still burn from the impact of his calloused hands.

That first slap led to more, until he recruited his favourite belt, a cruel weapon...

domestic violence

September 9, 2024

It’s the first day of the Adolescent Bootcamp for Mental Health, and amazing things have happened!

It’s the first day of the Adolescent Bootcamp for Mental Health, and amazing things have happened!


It’s the first day of the Adolescent Bootcamp for Mental Health, and amazing things have happened! From exciting sessions, to games, dance and healing circles — it has been beautiful! ❤

In Nigeria, many adolescents and young persons face peculiar problems, especially with their health and feelings. The bootcamp’s like...

mental health
emotional health

August 12, 2024

Navigating the spectrum of strength: Who is the stronger gender?

Navigating the spectrum of strength: Who is the stronger gender?


From the first men who knew the trade of hunt, to the ones who tilled the ground and set caves in rocks, men have duteously played as models of power, strength, and courage. Any extra gender that adopted this form of expression was considered manly, boyish, and masculine. So as...

mens health
mental health

November 24, 2023

Our Initiatives

At The Free Tribe Network, we offer a range of core programs and services to support reproductive wellness, health seeking and reporting behaviors, and improve reproductive health and family well-being. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and rights.


Stand Against Recycled Violence (STAR) Project

A public health project that seeks to capture and reduce the witnessing of inter-parental violence, and the inter-generational transmission of violence to adolescents.


A bi-monthly program utilizing real life stories, medical knowledge, public health expertise, and the wide reach of the social media space, to discuss important issues affecting reproductive health and family well-being. Topics covered will center around women’s health, men’s health, children and adolescent health and well-being.


Free Tribe Boost-Camp

A bi-monthly capacity building program for staff and volunteers of the Free Tribe Network, set to improve corporate work skills, teach industry-relevant skills, and foster bonding amongst members of the Free Tribe Network.

The advocacy programs by the Free Tribe has helped me understand the concept of child marriage better and to help other young women and girls like my daughter. Thank you Free Tribe!


Mrs Olakitan Abiola


I love the ReproMatters program. Listening to the experiences of people and what they’ve been through gives a better perspective to the issues the non-profit is addressing


Moses Plangkat


As a beneficiary of the family planning resources offered by the non-profit, I can attest to the positive impact on our lives. It has empowered us to plan and nurture a healthier, happier family.


Mrs. Blessing Omenka

Head of Design, Layers

As a young woman, the organization's youth-friendly health services allowed me to seek guidance without judgment. I feel empowered and informed about my reproductive health.


Kwamina Obo


As an organization focused on empowering people via healthcare education, CHIIN's partnership with this non-profit has expanded our capacity to serve the community. Their shared commitment to improving reproductive health has resulted in a stronger, healthier population.


Moyo Adedayo

Founder, Her Power

As an organization focused on empowering people via healthcare education, CHIIN's partnership with this non-profit has expanded our capacity to serve the community. Their shared commitment to improving reproductive health has resulted in a stronger, healthier population.


Sayo Eweje

Co-Managing Director, Critical Healthcare Information Integration Network (CHIIN)

Members of the Free Tribe Network are the most passionate individuals I have met. They make enormous work look too easy with their collective efforts


Dayhana Hernandez

Program Advisor, Girls First Fund, Dominican Republic.

Our organization is proud to be in partnership with this non-profit. Their innovative programs and unwavering support have greatly enhanced our ability to address reproductive health challenges, ultimately improving the lives of those we serve


Dr Gbonjubola Abiri

CEO, RediMed Consulting

It was a pleasure to work with the Free Tribe Network on the RepoMatters program. Their work to raise awareness is vital in changing harmful, cultural practices that affect women and girls


Aziza Kibibi

Founder, Pretty Little Ladies

I enjoyed my time with the Free Tribe Network. There are so many good things to say about the network and the awesome work they do! Most of all, their public relations is the best I have ever seen. They will leave an indelible mark in the sands of time.


Pharm Tobechuckwu Nneji


Through the Free Tribe Network’s initiatives, I have gained access to essential healthcare services, empowering me to make informed choices for my family's well-being. Grateful for the positive impact!


Dr Muhammed Odedeji

Medical Doctor

The Free Tribe Network is out to inspire actions for sustained reproductive health and family well-being. This is very essential for mental health, as they provide safe spaces for discussions to make people feel supported and equipped to prioritize their family's well-being. I am proud to support the good work they do.


Dr Jibril Abdulmalik

Founder/CEO, Asido Foundation

The Free Tribe Network is a group of young people doing great work, having those very important conversations that we often shy away from. I hope they continue to grow higher and higher.


Dr Munirat Antoinette Lecky(Anto Lecky)

Medical Doctor


Dr. Adebayo, Ayodeji Matthew

Chairman, BOT


Rev. Eweje, John

Vice Chairman, BOT


Oluwagbemi-Jacob, Tosin

Secretary, BOT


Prof. Obafemi, Frances Ngozi

Economic Advisor, BOT


Dr. Atoyebi, Aderonke O.

Program Chair, BOT


Nwokafor, Obiora

Member, BOT


Madu, Ihuoma Chidire

Legal Advisor, BOT


Fadayomi, Sefunmi G.

Member, BOT


Mfon, Andikan A.

Member, BOT


Support Our Mission Today!

Join our cause to transform structures around reproductive health and family well-being.

Our Partners


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